Instructor - Sensei Zak Bennett

Sandan Grade

Sensei Zak Bennett

I started doing karate when I was only 5 years old but had the attention span of a goldfish. Unfortunately I lost interest in karate being so young, and it wasn't until I was 9 years old that I was able to take training more seriously, learning some important life lessons from the art I was practicing.

I have been doing karate now for over half my life, and Jyoshinmon has become a second family to me. Also the social aspect of Karate New Zealand as a whole has given me an ever greater extended karate family.

It is because of karate that I have been able to do a lot of travel, going places I wouldn't normally go to and seeing new exotic places. I've met exciting new people and fought some of them, competing in countries like England, Portugal, Spain, Indonesia and New Caledonia.

I teach classes at the NEW LYNN DOJO mainly during the week.

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