The first interclub event was a very positive and enjoyable day for all of us which was organised by Sensei Beaty Bennett and held at the dojo in New Lynn, Auckland.
Earlier today we had Black Belt training which went well. The emphasis was on the Seiden kata and the Bo. It was good to see some of the younger black belts participating Kirby, Zak and Mexha.
The tournament training followed afterwards and was overseen by National Coach Chris Bennett. This was very helpful to some of the newer students who have very little if any tournament experience.
The interclub tournament was run as a Tournament/Referee/Table official training. Members - Kirby, Zak, Mexha, Jojina, Jose - got to practice their refereeing skills and overseen by National Referee Jason Ng.
Table officials - Liz, Juan, Aseel, Sue and on the computer score was Marie Jane.
Competitors were excellent especially first timers Emantay and Hine. Overall it was a great day!
The next Interclub Day will be Saturday 26th Of July in Manurewa dojo. We are looking forward to a larger attendance at this event.
Thank you,