There are only 2 Gradings in the years and the second one was held from 14th to 15th November 2020. Brown and Black belt gradings are only held once at the end of the year.
Congratulations to those who passed their Grading!
Grading session - White belts, 10th Kyu (yellow belt with white stripe) and 9th Kyu (yellow belt)
Well done to those to skipped grades and passed at 8th Kyu (orange belt)!
Grading session - 8th Kyu (orange belt) and 7th Kyu (blue belt)
Well done to those passed at 6th Kyu (purple belt)
Grading session - 6th Kyu (purple belt) and 5th Kyu (purple belt)
Well done to those passed at 4th Kyu (green belt)!
Grading Adults session - White belt, 6th Kyu (purple belt), 5th Kyu (purple belt) and 4th Kyu (green belt)
Well done to those passed at their expected level!
Grading Adults session - 1st Kyu (brown belt), Shodan Ho (brown and black stripe), Shodan (1st Dan black) and Nidan (2nd Dan black)
Great achievement on passing your Dan grading!
Thank you to all the Senseis and Senpais for their time assisting at the Grading over the whole weekend!