Instructor - Sensei Jose Castillo

Sandan Grade

Sensei Jose Castilo

I’ve been training with Jyoshinmon Shorin Ryu since I was 10 Years old, and karate has played a big part of my life. It has taught me a lot about myself mentally and physically, and a great deal of life lessons that I am grateful for.

One of my highlights throughout my karate journey was my first visit to Japan where I learnt so much on that trip about myself and how much I wanted to stay and carry on with karate till this day. As well on the same trip, I went for my Shodan grading and in front of the founder of Jyoshinmon Hoshu Ikeda, which is still one of the most nerve-racking things for me!

For the rest of my karate journey, I just want to pass down the knowledge that was taught to me from the other Senseis and giving back to Jyoshinmon. To help other students not only grow in their karate but also to enjoy and walk out with a smile on their face and be proud of what I did that day. I’m forever grateful for what Jyoshinmon has done for my life and I very much want to carry on with my karate journey. If you ever thought about doing karate, try Jyoshinmon Shorin-Ryu as you’ll really enjoy it. Hope I see you training at one of our dojos.

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