Instructor - Sensei Jason Ng

Sandan Grade

Sensei Jason Ng

I come from a strong martial arts family. My father, Norman Ng, started New Zealand's first Taekwondo club.

I have been practising martial arts since the age of four and have been involved with Jyoshinmon Karate for about two decades.

I am currently an A-Grade Oceania Referee and Judge for the World Karate Federation and also I am chairing the Coaching Council for Karate New Zealand with the aim of improving karateka at an international level. I also sit on the Karate New Zealand’s Referees Council.

My karate highlights include meeting and training with Soke (Founder) Hoshu Ikeda in Japan, and also training with World Champions Wayne Otto, Takashi Katada, Okay Arpa and renown international coaches such as Antonio Oliver.

As well as sport karate, my karate interests are in the study of history and application traditional karate. I studied anatomy, physiology and nutrition at University and apply this in my karate training and teaching.

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